First day of patients 2nd year
I'm finally a second year!! I thought for sure I'd be awesome!!!... but I guess you don't always get what you wish for! ha ha! Actually it wasn't that bad. My paper work went pretty fast. The cleaning isn't too bad either. What was bad was the x-rays!!! I tried doing digital and they were horrible!!! I also did some conventional. They were a little better, but Iforgot the angle's that you want I need to go and review. My goal for next class is to have gone over the x-ray angles again so that I will be able to take beautiful x-rays :) My goal also for next time is to rock and roll. Rock toward the side i'm working on and rolling into the interproximal space. Prof. Alexander showed me how to enter the pocket correctly, but I forgot how. I need to ask her again. Close the angle of the scaler, enter the pocket and open it. I guess that's how... I'll still ask!
I have not had a lot of contact with you in clinic. It was fun to read your posts and see your personality come through. It sounds like things have gone well. Keep posting and I will visit again.
holly, you are the biggest slacker, where are your blog posts for the rest of the semester! Just kidding, I think you're great and I was glad to get to know you better at the va.
Holly thanks for coming last night, I think it was really fun. We really do have to get together, I think Sam and Erik would get along good too.
It all sounds way to complicated for me! How are you Holly? I'm so glad I found you on the WSU blog! I look forward to keeping in touch with you.
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